With the Hives home page we want to deliver the essential information on how your hives are doing.
All going fine? : move to something else.
Something unexpected? : go and drill deeper.
How are my hives doing?
In the near future answering that question will be one click ahead. When we designed this new version we pushed this idea far forward. How to deliver essential information on colony behavior in an extremely simple manner.
Here is the Hives summary view :
At a glance you can identify which hives need help (Fitness algorithm is assessing which ones are weak or undergone particular events). You can also assess about brood, weight and last day productivity.
We also added any particular event, alert or note you (or the alert system) could have identified. You won’t find long sentences here: information is tagged using condensate pictograms. If you were using Mellisphera you already know them. Otherwise, you’ll get familiar very quickly.
However, hive life is not just about the past day. We wanted to be able to summarize their progress over the last week. And this information is only one click ahead! Click on History and you unfold the past week summary. If you’re tracking a nectar flow it will tell you how it evolves.
Checking your hives, you flashed over this one and hovering the icon you see it has a high temperature alert. You wanna know more, history looks okay, but let’s drill down : click on the hive name and move to the charts view
Now you’re seeing the alert overlaid with the in-hive hourly temperature. We also see that SwarmMinder triggered on this event too.
And of course you also find a contextual note you entered few hours before the event that will guide you to what happened.. but this is another story!